Film & Television Production Faculty List
Robert Townsend
Professor of Cinematic Arts
Tracy Tragos
Adjunct Professor
Ryan Vaughan
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Eva Vives-Cadevall
Adjunct Associate Professor
Paul Vogel
Adjunct Associate Professor
Gary Wagner
Adjunct Associate Professor
Vincent Walker
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Paula Walker-Kestermann
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Christopher Warren
Adjunct Associate Professor
Gene Warren III
Adjunct Associate Professor
John Watson
Dana and Albert "Cubby" Broccoli Endowed Chair in Producing
Lori Webster Fore
Adjunct Associate Professor
Peggy Weil
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Tristan Whitman
Associate Professor of the Practice of Cinematic Arts
Habib Zargarpour
Visiting Professor
Kenneth Zunder
Adjunct Professor
Susan Zwerman
Adjunct Associate Professor