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Lynn Johnston, Writing for Screen & Television BFA

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Affiliated Divisions:

John Wells Division of Writing for Screen & Television

Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Lynn moved to LA on her own at 19 to pursue her dream of studying film at USC. A year later, she internally transferred into USC's Writing for Screen & Television BFA program, where she focused on writing for TV comedy and games. She graduated with her screenwriting BFA and a French minor in May 2019, and started her games writing career in January 2019 at Skybound (The Walking Dead, Invincible). From June 2019 - June 2023, Lynn was the only full-time writer at Bad Robot Games (the games division of JJ Abrams' Bad Robot Productions).

With a lifelong passion for games, storytelling, and collaboration, Lynn applies all she's learned about the character-driven approach of TV and feature-writing from USC to the interactive art form of video games. Creating compelling characters, writing fun and memorable dialogue, and finding new ways to imbue narrative into a world are some of her greatest passions as a game writer. Lynn has a strong background in comedy writing, and an expertise in horror games with over 15 years' experience as an avid player, viewer, and sometimes-developer.