Directory Profile
Scott Easley is the Senior Lecturer for the CS Games program in the Viterbi School of Engineering at USC. He has won two Emmys, a Telly and an Annie for his computer animation work and writing. He is a fellow of ATAS (Academy of Television Arts and Sciences) and sits on a judging panel for the Emmys. In school he studied art and painting in Europe at Imperial College in London, the Centro Linguistico Dante Alighieril in Florence, and the Centre International de Séjour in Paris. He then earned his master's in screenwriting for television and cinema from USC.
Scott's career spans over 20 years in the video game business and is credited in over 15 AAA games: He was the Animation Production Manager at Heavy Iron studios, the Senior Animator for Electronic Arts Medal of Honor franchise, Lead Animator for Sony Imagesoft, and one of the first 8 people to form the company Oddworld Inhabitants. He has spoken several times at GDC (Game Developers Conference) as well as the Imagina CG Conference in both Monaco and London, the 3D Festival in Copenhagen, and was the keynote speaker for the 'Game On' Conference in Paris.
Scott also won a gold medal from sparring at the Plum Blossom Festival Kung-Fu Tournament, and he has climbed Mount Fuji.