School of Cinematic Arts Directory Profile

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Nooshin Rostami, M.F.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Affiliated Divisions:

Media Arts + Practice Division

Work Phone: 213.821.5700
Office: SCI 101H

Nooshin Rostami is an artist, designer, educator. They landed in New York from Tehran, Iran in 2009 and never made it back. This “flip of a coin” experience of displacement became the essence in Rostami’s exploration of identity, home, and place. They work with a glossary of materials and derivative terms: light, shadows, reflections, structures, landscape, space, and place. They refer to these vocabularies within many different contexts both physical and metaphorical, to point to ways of seeing and connecting outside of textual or verbal language.

Rostami received an MFA from Brooklyn College CUNY in NY (2011) and has exhibited, and performed their work in solo and group settings internationally including: California Museum of Photography - UCR ARTS (2019); Jardines de Mexico (2019), BRIC art Media(2019), Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions - LACE (2018), Queens Museum(2018), and Flux Factory (2015). Since 2014 they have participated in residencies both locally and internationally such as Tifa working studios, NARS Foundation, BRIC Contemporary Art.