Directory Profile

With a professional background covering all forms of media and archiving, Dino Everett is the new archivist of the HMH Moving Image Archive. Beginning with 35mm carbon arc projectors to earning a masters’ in Moving Image Archive Studies, Dino has spent his life involved in the moving image field. He comes to USC from UCLA Film & Television Archive where he worked for eight years in various departments including the Stanford Theatre Film Lab. Dino possesses both hands on technical preservation experience, as well as archivally specific optimization skills to best control, preserve and promote the extensive media held here at USC.
Since earning his BA in Critical Studies from USC in 2005, Dino has published and presented articles both in the moving image field and film history, and actively supports the safe use of archival material for public exhibition. His personal research interests include silent cinema, early moving image technology, and the unique positioning of the punk rock subculture within the overall temporality of media history.