Christopher Wild
MFA, Film & Television Production '20
What interests you the most about production? The production field teaches one to take an idea, write a strong story and character arc, write sound into your story, to shoot video, to record quality sound, and edit your idea into a film in the post-production process. This is all taught from subject matter experts of the highest caliber of whom you will not find anywhere else in the world.
What in your past has given you inspiration or a unique point of view that you bring to SCA? My parents and how they raised me. Also, it was my greatest honor to serve in the U.S. military where people of all backgrounds came together to accomplish a goal. There has been a whole generation that have served recently and their sacrifices need to be remembered and their stories told. I would like to honor all those that have served and are currently serving as well as honor the veteran community that I love.
What is your intended career path and how has your program prepared you so far? It would be a blessing to be a director and a writer. This program has prepared me to accomplish these goals by fostering an atmosphere of collaboration, using sound to tell your story, learning cinematography and lighting techniques to shoot the project, recording sound, techniques to direct actors, blocking and intent, proper composition of shots, and how to take your project and edit it all together to make a film.
What have been your biggest challenges at USC? Challenges are only milestones that need to be overcome, they are what forges our character. When classes started, I was like a sponge under a firehose. That’s a great thing though, as we should always be learning and striving for knowledge and wisdom.
Are there any projects you’re working on right now? Where can people find out more about your work? I'm working on several projects right now, If you see me in the SCA hallway, please say, "Hi" as I love making friends, also feel free to ask about any projects.
What advice do you have for prospective students looking to apply to SCA? Esteem others better than yourself. Be a blessing to everyone you meet. Your reputation is the most important thing you have. Be the person you want to work with and crew long hours with. Never complain. Offer suggestions that can improve things, not complaints. Be a team player. Never ask someone to do something that you yourself are not willing to do. Two is one and one is none. Always have a backup project and shoot location. Pass the word. Ensure all your teammates know what is going on and what is due. It’s not good if one of your teammates doesn’t know he needs to turn in something. Your classmates will be the people you will work with for the rest of your life, they will become your family.